Horoscopes: December 2018

Lindsay Wiant

Aries Mar 21 – Apr 20

Keep a conciliatory and solution-oriented approach, this month. Whatever issues you have been facing – it would be best to stay open minded and approach them with a positive mind. If you can handle them and move ahead with them – great – and if not, well, time is the best healer.

Taurus Apr 21 – May 21

As the month begins, take time out to sit with your loved ones. They will love you more for this! On 2nd and 3rd, domestic matters keep you busy. Are you re-arranging furniture at your residence? Work takes a busy stance, as the weekend approaches. 5th sees you in an enthusiastic mood.

Gemini May 22 – Jun 21

Money is on your mind on the 1st. Avoid short term travel for work or business on 2nd and 3rd, as it may largely be fruitless. Work remains busy and frenzied, though. On 4th, a younger sibling needs your guidance and support. Be there! 5th and 6th brings minor setbacks on the financial and personal fronts.

Cancer Jun 22 – Jul 22

Be strong and tenacious, and don’t let anyone’s harsh behavior or comments bog you down. Have confidence in yourself, and those you truly matter! By 2nd or 3rd, your faith will be restored. Success makes you happy, nicely diverting your mind from what’s not working at the moment.

Leo Jul 23 – Aug 23

Value long-term gains and intangible, humane benefits over quick, material albeit momentary profits, tell you the stars, as the month begins. You are determined to boost your prospects, but it would be best to move ahead after deliberation and planning, says Ganesha.

Virgo Aug 24 – Sep 22

Love brings happiness, but finances give you jitters, as the month begins. Malefic Rahu moving through your 12th House increases expenses. Plan your finances with a long-term perspective. On 3rd and 4th, planets bring happiness – with love and cozy moments. Beware, though – if you are single – your elders may pressurize you to get married.

Libra Sep 23 – Oct 23

The month begins on a busy, hectic note. Make sure that you pass this test and give your best. On 2nd, instead of stressing, focus on enhancing your skills and efficiency – as this will help you achieve more in less time and effort, hints Ganesha. This will raise your position at your workplace.

Scorpio Oct 24 – Nov 22

A change is on the horizon. Have you been looking for a job? Maybe a transfer or relocation is on the agenda. Whatever it is, this may also mean better designation and remuneration. When the month begins, as a business person, you may explore new territories. Around 2nd/ 3rd, two significant planetary changes take place – Mercury moves to a fiery Sign – so watch your words; and retrograde Venus re-enters Libra.

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

As the month begins, businesses may gain from foreign connections and networks. Professionals, however, may not be comfortable with their present work-place. Go slow and measured, if you wish to change your job, suggests Ganesha. Better still – wait for some time. Work on personal growth and skill enhancement.

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 20

The month begins on a happy note, mostly thanks to your personal dedication and concerted efforts to keep everything in top shape. Your financial health remains sound; you remain attentive to the needs and aspirations of partners, younger ones and sibling/s. Benevolent Jupiter has a direct aspect over your 5th House.

Aquarius Jan 21 – Feb 18

You shall manage to organize funds to initiate debt repayments, early in the month. With Saturn present in your 12th House, you must plan your finances with a long-term view, keeping enough provision for contingencies. There may be some ongoing issues in your marital life, or in a partnership business.

Pisces Feb 19 – Mar 20

Love brings trifle squabbles or over-possessiveness, as the month begins. Give space to your partner, suggests Ganesha. Professionals remain busy, immersed neck deep in work. Around 2nd/3rd – Mercury shifts to your 11th House, while retrograde Venus re-enters Libra – your 8th. On 5th you may be dismayed or emotionally hurt.


Horoscopes provided by: timesnownews.com