September 10, 2018
Senior Quotes:
Senior quote forms will be handed out during Advisory Thursday, September 13. They are due to Mrs. Theresa Johnston by Friday, September 28.
Baby Pictures:
Senior baby pictures are due to Mrs. Theresa Johnston by Friday, September 28. Yearbook staff members ask seniors to please put pictures in an envelope with the student’s name on it.
There will be an envelope for senior quotes and baby pictures outside of Mrs. Johnston’s room (Room number 1053). NOTHING WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE DUE DATES.
Senior Portraits:
Senior portraits will be taken October 15 and 16 in the auditorium. You will be given a time and date during Advisory. Senior portraits will be taken by LifeTouch. Students may purchase portraits or go to another vendor for portraits. However, one of the LifeTouch photos MUST be used for the yearbook picture.